As my mind boggles at these, I’ll post some.
This is from the chapter on the Z-pattern.
“So, my feeling would be that when working the with Signposts in the Theme Browser you should ignore all other story points and just focus on the Signposts themselves*. When working on the other story points in the Theme Browser, ignore the Signposts.** And to get a feel for the way Types and Variations come into conjunction as the story unfolds, use the Plot Sequence Report and keep the Theme Browser far from your mind.***”
My notes
- Sequences are temporal and concerned with location of points next to each other as process happens
- ** Structure is the endpoint of the story, at the end of the story after it’s told
- *** PSR shows the model ‘wound up’ by the story points, what elements are next to which variations in the wound up state at THAT POINT in the unwinding.
if you’re on the Kindle Unlimited program like I am, the ebook is free.