Hello From a New Member


I’ve been a long-time reader of these forums and a number of the different Dramatica websites for some time, now, and I’ve found the information very useful, but I’ve only officially joined today.

I’m hoping to participate in the conversations, too, but I’m completely new to the community, and after reading the rules, and observing the board, not quite sure what the conventions are in that regard. In any case, I hope you’ll welcome me as a new member.


Welcome. Always good to see a new voice and a new perspective.

@Hunter. Welcome, welcome, welcome! You’ll like it here. Lots of great lessons and great people.

Welcome Hunter!!

Feel free to post whatever you want—as long as it has something to do with Dramatica and you can see that Iron Man was the Main Character of Captain America: Civil War, then by all means, post!! :joy: