@geoff I just wanted to pipe in late and say thanks also – I just started listening to this and it’s great!
For people who are interested in the Sequence Method, @jhull had a really great blog series on an approach for using objective, static Dramatica story points to generate the subjective “dramatic questions” in each act of a story.
In each case, you look to the Story Goal for the major dramatic question.
Then you determine the number of traditional acts in your story based on the pattern of signposts:
For a two act structure, the story question for Act 1 comes from the Prerequisites, Act 2 from the Requirements.
For a three act structure, Act 1 comes from Prerequisites, Act from Requirements, and Act 3 from Consequences.
For a four act structure, you flip between Prerequisites and Requirements.
I felt like there was something really valuable in this approach when I first read it but it wasn’t until I started listing to that podcast that is started to really click for me.