Helpful Podcast for Sequences

The Draft Zero podcast has two to three episodes discussing the technique of focusing a sequence or scene on proposing a question. The question could be “plot”, “character”, or “plot-character” oriented. I wonder where in Dramatica reports one would find these equivalents. I am guessing the Plot Sequence Report informs us on the Plot Sequence question.

The podcasters also vaguely discuss Image Sequences.

Episode 42 - Driving Sequences
Episode 54 - Thematic Sequences

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Cool! Is this your podcast?

I look forward to listening to it.

It’s not my podcast. I merely discovered it on iTunes, but it is one of the more helpful ones I’ve found. The hosts delve into the topics in an analytical way.


Thanks @Geoff. I’ve been binging on this podcast ever since you shared it here. These guys are really cool and have an insight into things. One of their mentors Stephen Cleary is good too. Looked up his analysis of a scene. He’s very pro audience in his perspective of story however what is interesting is his 8 questions a viewer always asks themselves subconsciously. It’s the same as the friggin PRCO!!! It’s like Dramatica is 1000 years before it’s time.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Dramatica is criminally unpopular. That’s why I’m working hard on my stuff. Once I’m published and successful ,I’ll market the shit out of this theory!


@geoff I just wanted to pipe in late and say thanks also – I just started listening to this and it’s great!

For people who are interested in the Sequence Method, @jhull had a really great blog series on an approach for using objective, static Dramatica story points to generate the subjective “dramatic questions” in each act of a story.

In each case, you look to the Story Goal for the major dramatic question.

Then you determine the number of traditional acts in your story based on the pattern of signposts:


For a two act structure, the story question for Act 1 comes from the Prerequisites, Act 2 from the Requirements.

For a three act structure, Act 1 comes from Prerequisites, Act from Requirements, and Act 3 from Consequences.

For a four act structure, you flip between Prerequisites and Requirements.

I felt like there was something really valuable in this approach when I first read it but it wasn’t until I started listing to that podcast that is started to really click for me.