From various resources I’ve compiled my interpretations of the OS Concern elements. The descriptions can be altered, for example the negative form, … . I thought I’d share this list with you for its validation and inspiration maybe.
The Past: what has happened in the past, what brought them here. The choices from the past are part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist may have to revisit choices he thought were behind him)
The Present: their current situation, their current status. Their present situation is part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist’s current situation isn’t very stable.)
How Things Are Changing (Progress): their strengths and weaknesses in the context of what is happening. Their grasp (limited or otherwise) on the current situation is part of the inequity in this story (something the Protagonist is doing is causing problems)
The Future: what can potentially happen and how that may affect their situation, status. The uncertainty of the future is part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonis is worried about how things that are currently happening will affect its future.)
Gathering Information (Learning): that what is going on. Their limited understanding is part of the inequity of this story (the Protagonist needs to get reliable information.)
Understanding: Their current understanding of what’s going on is part of the inequity in the story (the Protagonist needs to face the music.)
Doing: their actions are part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist needs to get its act together.)
Obtaining: There’s something missing. Something they don’t have is part of the inequity in the story (the Protagonist needs to go on a mission.)
Conceiving an idea: their desire for change is part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist needs to change the status quo.)
Developing a plan (Conceptualizing): the desire to act is part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist needs to decide.)
Playing a role (Being): active manipulation is part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist needs to stand its ground.)
Changing one’s nature (Becoming): The manipulation has worked. Previous manipulation is part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist needs to adapt.)
Contemplation (Conscious): Reflections are part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist may do something, some day.)
Memories: Recollections are part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist needs to commit on what to do.)
Impulsive responses (Subconscious): Lizard mode engaged. Innate responses are part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist needs to pull itself together.)
Innermost desires (Preconscious): They’re all about fantasies. Something that’s missing inside of them is part of the inequity in this story (the Protagonist needs to go out on a limb.)
Edit: updated descriptions based on feedback.