I might just be talking through my hat here, but I wonder if this is a Linear/Holistic thing?
So, Wall Street, Linear:
“Greed, for lack of a better word, is good and serves the world.”
“Greed is bad and destroy’s families and people.”
Negation, passing a binary yes/no judgement on a value statement–which feels false, because the great thing about Gecko’s argument is that, in some ways, he’s right. But not in all ways. How many problems of the world result from someone getting a bit of truth (in context) and universalizing it for all cases at all times for all people?
Also, passing a yes/no judgement on a value statement – I mean, who the hell do we think we are? This doesn’t seem to me to be the proper business of rational human beings, who, if they are rational, have to recognize the limitations of that approach. If they DON’T recognize the limitations of that approach, I start to ask questions about their motivations and agenda. There’s a desire for power lurking in there somewhere under the blankets.
I was reading Jim on Melanie on C++ programming, and thinking how a lot of the theory comes out of a time of OOP and noun-based programming, but the world has moved on in the last several years to functional verb-based programming. And the idea of the individual self as being a source of desires is giving away to a set of desires, copied from others, usually, and their particular state at a particular point in time, being the best statement about a ‘self’ that we can honestly make, without wandering off into abstraction and fictionalizing. Not to knock fictionalizing 
Wall Street, Holistic:
“Business is more important than family.”
“Family is more important than business.”
If winning/losing is big in the linear mode, finding the right balance is what’s key in holistic. In holistic, the justifications seem to revolve around scope – business is more important because its scope is larger, family is just about the people in the family. Family’s responding argument might be, without the healthy, productive, happy families, where will you get people to buy things from your business, or work for them? And what’s the point of life anyway? Making a better business or making better people?
Something like that.