Copied from the theory.
Modes of Expression
Next, we want to consider a new concept: four modes of expression through which the story’s structure can be conveyed to an audience. The four modes of expression are:
Information p; focusing the audience on knowledge does that mean the information genre is derived from past, present, progress, and future .
Drama p; focusing the audience on thought does that mean drama is derived from memories, contemplation, preconscious and subconscious?.
Comedy p; focusing the audience on ability does that mean comedy is derived from learning, doing,
obtaining, understanding?.
Entertainment p; focusing the audience on desire does that mean entertainment is derived from conceptualizing, conceiving, being, becoming?.
The Dramatica Classes describe what the audience will see. The modes describe in what light they will see them. When we match the two categories, we begin to control the feel our story will generate within the audience.
This is analogous to the manner in which Domains are created by attaching a point of view to a Class. Domains are part of the Story Mind itself and represent how a mind shifts its perspective to consider all sides of an issue. Genres, while also creating perspectives, do so outside of the Story Mind and represent the four different ways an audience can look at the Story Mind as a finished work they are receiving.
The following “Grid of Dramatica Genres,” shows the four Dramatica Classes along one axis, and the four modes of expression along the other.
my thoughts below
I’m doing a couple of experiments around this in my own work.
I want to add comedy to my work so I’m going to shade in elements from the physics class (focusing the audience on ability) into my work and use them to communicate clumsy or humourous situations.
what I’m seeing is that the modes of expression are a mask for the story form. The first thing to do is express the story form and then shade a mode of expression using one of the classes that corresponds to a particular mode of expression to augment the feel of the story form.
I’m going to record a screencast which I will turn into a document at some point in the future.