When you have multiple characters sharing the IC role, I realize that they have to share the same Problem, Solution, Symptom, and Response, but do they have to share the same gist? For example, let’s say their problem is Pursuit. Can one of them be pursuing a new recipe for crumb cake and another be a crazy stalker pursuing the MC?
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Gists are just for you, to aid in your comprehension of the “cold” and “clinical” terms of the storyform. Use as many as you like!
And yes, that would be fine. Provided both of those characters’ behaviors/actions are having an impact on the main character and how she is behaving/acting, you’re good to go. The genius of the storyform is that it helps keep your illustrations of various storypoints linked to your intent. If you understand the way that those two character’s behaviors/actions illustrate the same problem, then you can lean into those illustrations without worrying about your story flying off the rails.