New writing tool/inspiration/quad

I found a hammer and now everything looks like a nail.

So did y’all know that stop/start is a quad?


And you can use those words to create your scene sentences so that they can shift away from subject mater toward the conflicty stuff @jhull is always saying we need.

Let’s take SPECULATION for example nips up a gist

Speculating Something

A character ABANDONS Speculating Something in order to XXXX
A character EMBRACES Speculating Something in order to XXXX
A character REPURPOSES Speculating Something in order to XXXX
A character DEPLOYS Speculating Something in order to XXXX
A character ABANDONS Extending Something into the Future in order to XXXX
A character EMBRACES Extending Something into the Future in order to XXXX
A character REPURPOSES Extending Something into the Future in order to XXXX
A character DEPLOYS Extending Something into the Future in order to XXXX

Anyway, I thought it was a cool way of thinking about scene creation. I hope it helps someone. @didomachiatto maybe your scene trouble.

** This, of course was the hard one/odd one out. Any suggestions for better words are most welcome.


Very cool @jassnip. I have actually been using “abandons [element]” in my justifications already – sometimes the grammar works better that way than with negatives like shouldn’t or won’t.

One question, wouldn’t you still include the can/want/should/need part? Like:

A character can abandon speculating something in order to X


Honestly, I would do it as an either or, both seem cumbersome. Plus…thinking…

A character can speculate something…can modifies speculate
A character can abandon speculating something…can modifies abandon.

I think that misses the point


How are you defining these terms such that they are able to fulfill their respective roles within the quad?

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Well, I wouldn’t say it’s hard and fast being as I used synonyms in the quad, and I asked for other words that would seem to apply.

2nd, I’m not quite sure what you mean by

By roles do you mean opposites? Or Moonlighting as KTAD?

and meant entirely playfully Dude, why you trying to rain on my parade? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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