Looking at the different Story Points, it looks like a sweet story.
1/ The interplay of Goal and Consequence is the main dramatic tension. Here it is Innermost Desires and The Future.
Angela’s basic drive (Goal) is to maintain her inner peace but her fear of never finding the now in The Future (Consequence) is what has her running around looking for peace outside of herself. The Future without peace is her greatest fear.
2/ Requirement: Impulsive Responses - which is what Angela must accomplish in order to achieve the goal.
Here we have Angela needing to let go of her search for the Now in all the wrong places and become spontaneous to her whims or just stop searching so hard and go with her own impulsivity - which for Angela is to float in and out of the world as she feels the need to.
3/ Forewarnings: Playing a role
Angela takes on a number of roles in her search for attaining inner peace - joins in a group meditation (she only ever meditated alone), almost becomes a member of a cult, joins a seance, goes out drinking and gets terribly drunk, sleeps with a stranger, undergoes OTT healing rituals with the Chiropractor.
4/ Cost: Obtaining
She gets involved with the chiropractor more than she intended, and ends up having - obtaining - a crush on him which develops into something strong for her. She tries to fight it but she also needs to just give into it (fits nicely with Requirement). It’s a “cost” to Angela because she will no longer be single and as free-floating as she’s used to.
5/ Dividend: Changing One’s Nature
She falls in love with someone for the first time in her life
6/ Prerequisites: How things are changing so that the Requirement can happen.
Well, I think it’s pretty obvious that Angela’s life is changing so I’m not sure how this storypoint can be separated out. Not sure how it sets up the Requirement of Impulsive Responses - her whimsical nature. I’ll have a think…revisit later.
7/ Preconditions - Doing
The characters will lay out plans and ideas and take Angela to different places that they think will help her regain her Now. Not sure how this will work out in the story because the characters will all be rather active in getting Angela fixed. Maybe there can be an overriding Doing that interferes with the story goal - maybe the Bookstore she works at is threatened with closure, so all the characters are insecure about their livelihoods. IDK, have to think about it.