Chances are you have noticed that emails have stopped arriving from this site. I believe there is something going on with the mail service I was using. I will address it next week. Had my hands full upgrading Narrative First. I apologize for any inconvenience and will let you know once I have it all set up.
Email has finally been fixed. Sorry, but it took me this long to find a Sunday morning to install all the necessary stuff. Plus, it looks like it made the Disqus instance a little more prettier - yay for change!
If you have tried to sign up and haven’t received an email, you should receive one now and be able to receive all email digests like you used to before the month of May.
Thank you for your patience.
Aaaand it seems insanely faster now! And there’s a cool slider thing on the side of posts to help you scroll your way to happiness. Yippee!
Thanks for all the work you put into this site. I just realized I haven’t visited this site as much as I was and I bet it’s because the emails weren’t giving me those reminders to come back.
Yes, well thankfully there were only 6982 emails that were sent and failed…so at least you were the only one
But thanks for saying so!
I’ve missed my digests and thingies from dram discussions, here. Your work is so appreciated, Jim. I’ve gotten a new more current phone so things should go better.