The characters are all suspicious/wary of each other because of their prejudices - some of which are learned and some of which were “earned.” The events that will tackle these issues involve spending time together, getting to know one another, learning each others hopes/fears, developing empathy for one another. The character who is pushing for these things to happen most is the one I designated as the Reason Character, Rose, who is the daughter of the IC. For example, when the injured MC is brought to the IC in order for the IC to care for her, the IC is upset that she is being asked to care for a “white girl.” She has been badly treated by whites (including the killing of her parents at the Wounded Knee massacre). It is her daughter, Rose, who interferes to convince the IC that she must care for the MC, if not because she cares, but to please the Spirits. When the IC has a PTSD episode which scares the crap out of the MC, it again is Rose who explains to the MC why it is that the IC is acting the way she is (she describes the trauma that the IC has endured) and tells the MC what she can to do to help the next time it occurs. I have only worked out these two examples but they are significant, and they might be enough.
But if Rose is the Protagonist, what is my MC? Could she be reason? or are these characters complex?