I’ve had Problem-Solving Style sometimes change to unspecified or flip values. I don’t ever notice it until I’m done with the story form.
I’d like to know if it is a bug in the software or if it is some sort of auto-correct feature built into Dramatica.
It’s probably because you changed something else that affects it, like a Signpost or Unique Ability / Critical Flaw.
I think if you actually select Problem-Solving Style it will lock it down (and then you wouldn’t be able to make the other selections that would cause it to flip).
Does that make sense? If you’re saying it’s actually changing after you’ve selected it, that may be a bug.
There is no bug.
The story points in Dramatica all relate to one another, so yes—if you change certain story points, they affect other story points. This is well established and presented obviously not only in the software (different colored choices in the Story engine settings), but also in several articles and posts here and elsewhere.
Please use the search feature before posting.
I have never noticed the software changing a value after I already set it until now.