In a failure story, are the requirements as emphasised as they would be in a Success story? If not, then is the emphasis for a Failure story on the forewarnings?
Onto a question of a Change/Failure/Good Story combination, in regards to the critical flaw and unique ability. The subject was touched upon by @jhull:
The story points within a storyform are related holistically with one another, so I’m sure in some respects, the Main Character Unique Ability impacts the Story Judgment of Good.
If it were me, I would say his Openness and willingness to put with whatever makes it possible for him to get closer and closer to the inheritance, but it is the fact that he can’t Deny his feelings for his brother that undermines that openness (and he can’t Deny the hurt from his father).]
(MC Unique Ability/Critical Flaw in a Failure Story)
So - in quite black and white terms - does the CF overtake the UA for a result of Failure, while the UA overcomes the CF to help lead the MC to his personal triumph (Good)?
(I’m praying for straight answers)