Just wondering if anyone has ever coined a term for what I call (to myself) “super-dynamic pairs”?
These are the Variations or Types that are diagonally opposite each other “all the way across the chart”. It’s hard to describe in words but examples will make sense: Openness and Closure, Knowledge and Wisdom, Thought and Enlightenment. Or for Types: The Past and Memories, Becoming and Obtaining, Conceiving and Learning, etc. Just pull out your theme browser and you’ll see the correlation.
Super-dynamic-pair is probably a poor term, since it’s a very different concept than an actual dynamic pair. But I do think the concept is valuable because it comes up several times in a storyform:
- The MC Issue is a super-dynamic-pair with the IC Issue
- The OS Issue is a super-dynamic-pair with the RS Issue
- The MC Unique Ability is a super-dynamic-pair with IC Unique Ability (at least in all the storyforms I’ve seen)
- etc. with Catalysts, Inhibitors, Critical Flaws
- And at the Types level, the same thing goes obviously with MC-IC and OS-RS Concerns and Benchmarks
I think it’s a great concept because, when I first noticed it at the Variation level, I began to really see how the model works at a deeper level. For example, you can really see how someone with an Issue of Wisdom (understanding how to apply knowledge) might challenge someone with an Issue of Knowledge itself. Other examples may be harder to grasp but if you watch a movie with them (say Collateral for Closure and Openness), you can definitely get a good sense.
Anyway, I’d love to hear suggestions for a different term…