Don’t read if you haven’t seen, there may or may not be spoilers and/or opinions that affect your ability to view and judge the movie yourself
So it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve seen The Last Jedi and I’m still really bothered by almost everything in it to the point that I’ve spent at least some time everyday over the last week watching youtube videos both hating on it and defending it just it see if I can’t make some sense of the decisions the creators took. I was just curious who here had seen it and what you might have thought of it?
If there’s anything to speak of about how this thing ties to Dramatica, it would be to point out that Rian Johnsons eagerness to subvert any and all expectations, even ones set up by his own movie, and poor execution of pretty much all ideas completely ruins any shot of a cohesive message this movie wanted to have, let alone the trilogy at large (it will be interesting to see if Abrams can salvage this now mess of a trilogy, but I can’t say that I have interest in seeing how that plays out at this point). I know that Narrative first claims that TLJ presents a “functionable narrative”, but I’ll be darned if I can see how with all of the set ups that have no payoff and the payoffs that have no set up, and the contradictory messages, etc.
Anyway, I don’t mean to start ranting. I’m curious what everyone else thinks about it. Did it work as a Star Wars movie for you? Did the narrative work just within this movie without looking at The Force Awakens? Did you feel it works or still can work when combined with TFA?
And just because I just learned it could be done…
- I liked The Last Jedi and thought it worked within the Star Wars universe.
- I liked The Last Jedi, but didn’t think it worked within the Star Wars universe.
- I didn’t like The Last Jedi, but thought it worked within the Star Wars universe.
- I didn’t like The Last Jedi and didn’t think it worked within the Star Wars universe.
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