Well said. I think of it this way: content criticisms aside, why don’t I feel much story anticipation for 9? Sure, I feel some anticipation due to loyalty and intellectual curiosity about how they’re going to write their way out of this, but not “OMG, how will he/she/they get out of this?”
I have a hypothesis with 2 parts.
What are the personal dramatic questions that were raised in TFA and/or TLJ that haven’t been answered yet and need to be answered in 9? I can’t think of any. Sure, they could contradict previous answers. While that would technically be bad writing, I suspect we’ll be happier with that than we would with strict coherence given the current mess. I think the current condition of the story is that broken. Luckily, JJ Abrams isn’t famous for story coherence. On the other hand, he’s also not famous for satisfying answers to big mysteries.
The #1 structural reason why the story is so broken is that the nominal MC Rey wasn’t the actual MC of either movie. So even if they write her as the MC for 9 and have some payoff at the end of 9, I don’t see how the payoff could possibly be a “trilogy-sized” payoff.