Forgive the rephrasing of the incredible Leon Redbone.
When I have a dynamic pair, like Fact and Fantasy, I can use the other two elements in the quad as the measuring stick. That’s what the theory book says.
Sometimes I have trouble getting my head wrapped around that but it’s a fairly simple concept. It helps me to draw that out and state it.
just slide fact or fantasy up and down the stick until you think it’s right.
Here’s how it looks for another quad:
when I’m rationalizing, coming up with an artificial reason for excusing my actions or attitude, does it have more to do with a commitment I’ve made and must keep or avoid at all costs (a self-centered act), or does it have more to do with my sense of responsibility and caring for others, where I am protecting or harming someone because of it? (the blind spot is obligation)
when I have an obligation, when I accept or don’t accept a poor situation as my duty, is it because I made a commitment, or refused to make a commitment, or is it because my concern for others overrode or didn’t override my self-interest? (the blind spot is rationalizing)
@jhull gee this almost looks like it could be a detail control in a software application …
by the way, this looks to me like it’s another way of getting at that ‘view of the three from the one’…