Dramatica Pro Software Support


Does anyone know if the Dramatica Pro software is still being supported?

I wanted to try it out, but I’m having technical problems with installing it, and I haven’t had a response to my support request for a few weeks.

I doesn’t look like there’s been any discussion on the forum about the software for a while. Has Subtxt taken over as the new version? Or are people still using the Dramatica Pro software?


I’m not sure if it’s still being supported, but I’m still using it. It installed fine on my Windows 10 PC.

What issue are you having?

I’m having issues installing the demo software on my laptop (windows 11). It downloads and unzips fine. But when I choose ‘run as administrator’ (as per the instructions), a loading bar flashes up, disappears, then nothing happens.


Hmm. Sorry, I’m on Windows 10, and not sure what could be causing that. You could check your antivirus / threat protection logs (Windows Defender, or another program if you have it) to see if it might have terminated the install for some reason. You could also try disabling real-time protection temporarily while you do the install, to see if that helps. (Make sure to put it back on after!)

Sometimes when I go to a place that sells computers/laptops/etc, I talk things over with them, chit chat style and get clues and/or substantial answers.

Hi Daisy - I had exactly the same problem last week, & spent AGES trying out possible solutions. None worked.

What finally worked in the end was I realised the file that you get from the official write brothers site is different to the one that you can download elsewhere: I can’t quite remember the site but I could have a look later. When I installed that it worked fine. I can’t say why or how - it just did!

The technical team let me know that there’s a problem with the dramatica pro demo download, which they’re going to look into. So a shame I can’t use the demo, but good to know.

Hey there, yes, it is still supported but we’ve been having a hard time bringing it to the 64bit platform. We WILL update Dramatica Story Expert and then Dramatic Pro after that, but it remains a long slog. On behalf of Write Brothers and Dramatica, I apologize for us dropping the ball on keeping it current – as well as improving it. Once we have ANY definitive information of forward movement I will post what I know here.

Thank you for your continued support.

Chris Huntley


@chuntley very very anxious for that news!

Have you considered doing a Kickstarter or some sort of Crowdfunding for this? There is a new movement of authors using KS for funding their indie work, so you could introduce your product to new customers. But also we who are fans can help bring this into reality sooner than later.

Hi Didomachiatto,

The problem isn’t so much financial as logistical. Since Dramatica Story Expert has to be rebuilt from scratch to run on a 64bit operating system, our plan is to use the work we’re doing on Movie Magic Screenwriter as the basis for the new DSE. We’re nearing completion on Screenwriter so we’ll be able to ‘cannibalize’ the guts of Screenwriter to begin making the new DSE. The timeline is still a long one but at least it appears there is light at the end of the very long tunnel.



Hi @chuntley . Thank you so much for all you’ve done in revolutionizing our understanding of story. I’m sure you’ve probably thought about this, but would the DSE team consider using some of the top AI solutions to help with transposing the code etc. Perhaps it may help speed things up.
Thanks again for everything.

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But why? Why? How can this take so long? How are people coping with this? The friction is more than tolerable. I beg you: roll this out, for all that is holy.

How are we coping? I fondly remember and let my mind drift back to the Dramatica v 1.6. That wonderful program gave me the most fantastic MC/story idea ever; and years later when the analysis was done for Legally Blonde, I realized who would be my IC and how.

more later, I’m sure …