I think it might not be easy to port Dramatica to iOS. On my 27" iMac Retina it is obvious that Dramatica Story Expert is not optimized for retina screens. That means it is not a regular xCode project written in Objective C or Swift, but there has been some rapid application development environment used to create it. There is nothing wrong with that; I myself use Livecode, an environment that might be somewhat similar to what has been used. But sometimes a rapid application development environment can not keep up with the changes Apple makes. Then it expires and it is hard for developers to port it to other platforms, such as iOS or Windows.
So it either needs to make the big leap and rebuild it using xCode, or it needs to do a smaller transfer to another rapid application development environment that is up-to-date, such as Livecode. Both have their down sides. xCode projects are more future-savvy compared to rapid application development environments. It is relatively easy to make an iOS app, but not a Windows exe. Livecode can easily make versions for Mac OS X, iOS, Windows and Linux, but is an independent rapid application development environment that can eventually run into the same problems the current platform of choice ran into.
Porting DSE to Livecode is a project I would love to work on, btw…