So, reading Jim’s new article, linked below, has got me thinking:
Is it possible or likely that a person may default one way in daily life while approach problems the other way in writing? It wouldn’t surprise me, considering most art is considered what was once called a “right-brained” activity.
I know that I’m personally a very linear thinker in daily life. If there’s a problem, it needs to be solved. I’m a programmer, a planner, an “if-then”-er through-and-through. However, the “Being in a low state of emotion” style premise describes what I’ve been trying to write so much better than anything else I’ve come across and has made it far more approachable from a Dramatica standpoint than anything I’ve come across before. (So, thanks for another timely article @jhull).
I wonder if that’s from my taking or desiring a different approach for writing (not even necessarily intentionally), or if that is due to having an MC who might actually be Holistic, though I had thought he was Linear.