Subtext Subscribers Category

Based on a suggestion from someone, I’ve gone ahead and created a separate category for Subtext Subscribers – to share ideas on how to best leverage the app and writing with Dramatica. Note that this is only for subscribers – eventually, I’ll make the process automatic, but for now, if you’d like access just DM me here.

Also note that this isn’t for Support Questions (bugs, etc.) - please use the in-app contact features to take care of that. This is more of a community service type of thing.

Talk soon!


This is great! I had planned to ask you for exactly this, but never got around to doing it. Sometimes laziness pays off! :slight_smile:


I would like to subscribe to the subscribers.

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Hi There Jim,

My name is Mick, an ex-pat Englishman living in Germany. I am halfway through a Gaslamp Fantasy novel and happened upon Dramatica and the concept blew me away. It makes so much sense and I really want to incorporate it in my writing life to nail the structure of my novel writing.

Two really helpful Dramaticans (is that the right term?) have suggested my joining the Subtext Subscribers community. Is that possible?

Kindest regards

Hi @Mick ,

Welcome! The Subtext Subscribers you were referred to are those who are subscribed to Subtext, my story development platform based on the Dramatica theory of story - you can read all about it here:

In addition to having a really easy way to practically apply Dramatica to your stories I also teach weekly classes in the Writers Room - there are over 100 hours of classes now in the archives, and I’m actually setting up a new class in addition to the Writers Room which should start really soon (and no, it’s not the Dramatica School for beginners class I’m starting in 2021!).

Once subscribed, then I can add you to the Subscribers category here in Discuss, though tbh there really hasn’t been any discussion as of late in that category. It might pick up, but I think the combination of the Writers Room and this board is probably enough for everyone.

Feel free to DM me directly if you have any specific questions, or have a look around - there’s ALOT to learn :slight_smile:

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My favorite is I think I saw “Dramaticats” somewhere once. Haha.

Not sure if you joined Subtext or not, but one of the great features on there is that you can search for any term and immediately get back definitions, examples, movies that contain examples. It’s a great way to quickly find tons of useful info about whatever term you’re working with at that moment. And it’s also the perfect time to subscribe as I think the rates have recently come down a good bit.

Can I get the secret handshake,or knock? Pssst subscriber

Hi Greg,

Thanks for your message and encouragement.

I’m only a few days and 124 pages into the Dramatica book, so I’ll hold fire on buying the software and subscribing to Subtext for now

I was doing well with it, until I got to the end of the Theme section and then the picture in my head froze and my brain went into shutdown. It seemed like it was a vaguer section with less examples, but maybe that’s just me struggling to process such a complex system. So I am taking it one step at a time.

Hope you are having a great weekend.

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The theory book is vague when it comes to stuff like that. Another really great resource for beginners is Armando’s book — can’t tell you enough how important it is to put these concepts into practice over intellectualizing them.

Armando’s book Dramatica for Screenwriters is chock full of practical examples.