A few diagrams showing how to think about Story Engine. It looks like a list but that form conceals its structure and intent.
This shows some words that should be occurring to you as you look at Domain, Concern, Issue, Problem:
The Catalyst is a Variation of the Concern, a Type. The Catalyst Fate is a Variation of the Concern The Past, a Type. The Type level deals with the Plot of the story, Variation carries the theme, Element the actions and decisions of the characters.
The Inhibitor is a Variation of a competing Concern, a Type. The Inhibitor Fate is a Variation of the competing Concern Understanding, a Type.
In this case, if Understanding is competing with The Past, it sounds like there’s something being hidden in the past, or a false version of the past, and that understanding what really happened is threatening to overcome an inequity and restore equity.
Or, the towns people may have a false version of the past and the IC sees an opportunity to take advantage of them because of his superior Understanding of a past chain of events.
The Benchmark Progress (“How Things Are Changing”) is a Type of the Class Universe (“Situation”). This story point establishes the Unit of Measure, as I think of it, for how movement through the story will be measured.
Thematic Story Points vs Progressive Story Points