I’ve always been puzzled by the first Iron Man movie. It seems like it could be 2 stories: the captivity story and the post-captivity story. I say that because the MC has one perspective in the first part and seems to have a different perspective in the second. Or that could be explained by one story with a very early MC change (with Yinsen as the steadfast IC).
Do you think the MC changed extremely early? Or was this “captivity” story a separate story? Or was his “I’m not making weapons anymore” a partial change that was completed toward the end?
If the captivity story was a separate story, then who was the change character in the longer post-captivity story? My first thought was Pepper, but she doesn’t seem to change her perspective. Another option is there is just one story with an early MC change and the IC is Yinsen/Pepper, and the RS is responsible for a lot of the conflict that appears to be MC TL.
Perhaps it isn’t a grand argument story.