I’ve been reading through the Story Assembly – Putting it all to work thread and finding a lot of really helpful info. Would anyone care to do something like this again? I’m sure there are a lot of people on the board that weren’t around for the last one, and maybe some others that would like to do it a second time?
If so, there might be a couple of changes that could be made to better accommodate doing this type of exercise online. We could start out all working on just one throughline rather than the whole storyform, although that might keep the exercise from being as helpful. Or, depending on how many people are interested-if anyone-we could divvy up throughlines and, rather than taking turns going one at a time through 70 something story points, we could all post a whole throughline at once for others to look at and critique, and then see how everybody’s individual throughlines come together to form a story at the end. Might be easier to complete the exercise that way too.
Thoughts? Anyone? @jassnip, you started the last one, care to go another round?