No Writer's room today?

Is there no writer’s room today? I went and tried to long in and it only had a date for last week.

I think Jim is taking the week off to wrap up projects for clients, if I remember right.


Thanks Glenn. :slight_smile: Appreciate knowing.


Yes. I had planned to leave notice, but got caught up—our regular schedules programming returns next week!

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HI all, where do I find the schedule for the writers room? From what I can see the episodes are labelled, but not dated. I couldn’t see an upcoming schedule anywhere (I didn’t look particularly hard). I went through the link and downloaded zoom, but it just says the meeting is scheduled for 05/12/19 (I assume it took the British date format from my settings) and that it is due to start at 9PM. What time zone is that in? Thanks.

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Every Thursday @ 1pm Pacific time, old chap. :wink: